The Nugget

In a quiet corner of the Smithsonian American History Museum, in a small case in the shipping transportation section, next to a few coins from the 1800s, is a small fleck of gold under a magnifying glass.  One would have expected any gold samples to be part of the extensive gold collection held by the Smithsonian…

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Park City Museum

While many fixate of gold, that is not to overlook that there have been many notable silver rushes.  One particularly notable deposit, which fueled a mining industry from the 1860s to the 1950s was found in Park City, Utah. The Park City Museum commemorates the industry that established the city and set it as a lure for wealth and success.

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Understanding Maps

The time has come for a over of our mapping services to clear the way for further development of handy tools for our users. As such, this month we have rolled out a new map format to better allow our users to quickly peruse mining claims by disposition. In order to keep the maps as…

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Placer County Museum

Placer county is one of many local governments in the California foothills that was born out of the mass population influx and wealth of the California Gold Rush. The land that became Auburn, within Placer County, was first settled in May 1848 and became a transportation hub for neighboring gold mining operations. Even today, there are over…

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Wells Fargo Museum – Part 2

Our last post revolved around the collection of gold and gold history in the Wells Fargo Museum. These riches draw more than just the attention of those hungry for knowledge. Whether it was stage coach robbers or modern thieves, Wells Fargo has had its share of thefts.

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Wells Fargo Museum – Part 1

The Wells Fargo Museum was formed to celebrate the history of the Wells Fargo bank. Yet, such a legacy is so tightly tied to California gold that many of the displays are devoted to the shinny stuff.  While the museum occupies a small section of street in San Francisco’s Financial District, it is packed with gold nuggets, gold dust, and gold history.

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Ironstone’s Crown Jewel

Gold can be found in unusual places. One such place is the Ironstone Vineyards estate, which is home to the world’s largest piece of crystalline gold leaf, weighing in at 44 lbs. The “Gold Pocket” was discovered on December 24, 1992, at the Sonora Mining Co. mine in Jamestown, California.  The gold was originally 66 lbs, however, when it was purchased by the Ironstone Vineyards owner, John Kautz, it was etched to remove the extra, visible quartz leaving behind a 98% pure piece. The piece is now suspended inside a vault safe that visitors may walk into and view during regular operating hours.

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Crocker Art Museum

While mining may be dirty work, sometimes, there is a time for the finer things.  The Crocker Art Museum has a massive collection of early California art, much of which is inspired by—and often funded by those who profited from—the gold rush.  Located only a few blocks from Old Town Sacramento and the Sacramento History…

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