Cullen Hall of Gems And Minerals

The Cullen Hall of Gems And Minerals in Houston, Texas’s Houston Museum of Natural Science sports a world class collection of 750 gem and mineral specimens. The darkened room sets off brilliant crystalline gold samples, along with a 2000 carat crystal emerald, the largest found in North America.

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Chihuahuan Desert Mining Heritage Exhibit

The Chihuahua Desert is the third largest desert in the Western Hemisphere, spanning parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico. Along with several mountain ranges and dramatic vistas, the desert is home to deposits of lead, zinc, barite, copper, manganese, sulfur, oil, gas, fluorite, talc, potash, water, quarry stone, gypsum, mercury, bentonite, salt, silver,…

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University of El Paso Mine

Yards from the University of El Paso Sun Bowl Stadium is an often overlooked piece of history: The Practice Mine. As the name would suggest, the Practice Mine was a practical learning tool for students back in the 1919. At that time, University of El Paso was the Texas State School of Mines and Metallurgy….

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