Gold Rush 2012 Season 3 Mining Claim Locations

This is part three of a series about the mines featured in the Gold Rush TV show. We suggest starting from the beginning of this series. Season 3 of Gold Rush returned with familiar faces and mostly familiar locations. The Hoffman crew, Dakota Fred crew, and Parker Schnabel crew all returned to continue mining on…

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Gold Rush 2011 Season 2 Mining Claim Locations

This is part two of a series about the mines featured in the Gold Rush TV show. We suggest starting from the beginning of this series. After an impressively successful first season of Gold Rush, Discovery Channel tripled down by following not only the Hoffman Crew but also introducing Dakota Fred as an independent actor and…

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Gold Rush 2010 Season 1 Mining Claim Locations

Season 1 took place on a single gold mine. At the time of the first season the property was unnamed. The series referred to the land as the Porcupine Creek mine. In season two, it would be named the Jim Nail Placer Mine. The Jim Nail Placer Mine (aka: Porcupine Creek Mine) 59°25′6.91″N 136°13′48″W As…

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Where is Alaska?

It seems like traffic is up on The Diggings and so it is likely that more and more people may be noting a glaring omission: Where is Alaska? As one of the major hotbeds for mining activity, surely, there must be masses upon masses of mining claims to be found. The short answer is: there…

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